Daily Dribble – May 31. 2020

Lazy Sunday

I have to admit that I am enjoying Sundays during quarantine. After having so many years of having to think through wardrobe so carefully for Sunday services and often finding myself uncomfortable for a sixth day of the week, the casualness of Sunday has been a welcome change of pace. Today, I spent the entire day in my pajamas again. (I’m doing that more and more often!) I’m taking time to worship for sure. I’m just enjoying the relaxed approach….and I think God is honored in that. In many ways, this time of slower weekends has been a blessing in disguise.

Afternoon Movie

While sitting in the dining room, I watched the Geriatrics flipping through channels. That habit absolutely drives me nuts! Find the guide, make a selection, and watch. Since I was coming to a stopping point in my own project, I asked if they wanted to watch a movie. Of course, Mom is always up for a good movie — as long as it is not nap time! I switched over to Netflix and pulled up Julie and Julia. That is such a cute film with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. I first saw it in theaters when it first came out, but Mom hadn’t seen it yet. (I never have to wonder if Dad has seen a movie or not. He refuses to visit theaters — even though Mom repeatedly asks — so unless it is an old western, he knows nothing about films.) We really enjoyed watching the film together and laughing at the hysterical food antics by both women.


Daily Dribble – May 30, 2020

Tastes of Home

There are always certain foods that remind me of the comforts of home. I’ve enjoyed a couple of those in the past few days. While I was in graduate school, Mom and I discovered a Paula Deen recipe for a chicken cordon bleu casserole that was an instant hit. It quickly became a staple in Mom’s kitchen because of how easy it was to prepare. Last night, I got to enjoy this fairly recent favorite…..and I’m looking forward to polishing off the leftovers for lunch tomorrow!

Breakfast has always been somewhat non-traditional in the Geriatric Ward. On Sunday mornings, we would typically have a standard breakfast in preparation for the morning of worship services ahead. During the week, however, breakfast normally consisted of snack cakes and a Coke as a child. There was one special treat that I always looked forward to….and would ask for fairly frequently — Chocolate Gravy! Don’t judge me! Warm gravy made of cocoa, sugar, flour, and milk that is poured over warm biscuits and melting butter…..that’s just wonderful stuff right there! Mom made a batch of the liquid gold this morning. It was a little sweeter than normal (yes, that is possible!), but it was still quite tasty. Now, where did I put the insulin again?

Going Stir Crazy

Since arriving at the Geriatric Ward last weekend, I have not been outside of the house. This afternoon, I just needed to escape for a little while….plus, I was having withdrawals from not going to the craft store in a few days. So I grabbed my list and headed to Michael’s in East Memphis. Picked up some things for an upcoming project, but couldn’t get everything there. That was okay…just gave me an excuse to make a quick trip to the Hobby Lobby on Exeter as well. I was good. I wore my mask everywhere and maintained social distancing as much as possible. The stores were not terribly crowded and everyone was very respectful. More than anything, it just felt good to be out and about for a bit. The Sonic Coke and time to listen to the New York Times Book Review podcast was what I was most looking forward to.

Daily Dribble – May 29, 2020

Today has been a tough day! Here’s the scoop….

Napping All Day Long

Last night, I was very restless with an upset tummy. Very little sleep for this old soul in the Geriatric Ward at all. When I finally realized that I was not going back to sleep, I got out of bed and started facing the day. Luckily, the other patients were out and about most of the day. That meant I was able to catch a few cat naps on the couch throughout the day so I didn’t feel completely worthless all day long. Didn’t accomplish much at all….besides a little napping, a little television, a little napping again….you get the picture!

Daily Dribble – May 28, 2020

Thursdays are incredibly long, challenging days. I survived another one and am really looking forward to beginning the weekend!

Virtual Lessons

I never know from week to week how the lessons happening on Thursdays are going to go. Today was mostly a good day. No one pitched a fit, so that’s an enormous plus. One of my students presents an enormous question. I can’t tell if the student is simply lazy and doesn’t want to work or if they lack the ability to read notes on the page. I am truly perplexed! Attempting to teach a virtual lesson does not make the situation any easier either.

I Actually Did Something In Advance

One of the annual responsibilities of my job is the preparation of a faculty activity report. I despise trying to create this document every year. It makes me very tired to look at everything I have done in the past academic year and remember the highs and lows. The report is due tomorrow and I got mine sent in today. That’s not the surprising part though. I decided to take a look in the file where I keep my copies of these reports from years past and discovered that I had already saved one with this academic year listed. When I opened it, I realized that I had actually started to prepare the document back in February! Praises!!! That meant I only had to adjust a few things that were planned for the end of the term and did not happen because of COVID. Then add a few items that popped up as a result of quarantine and — VOILA! — a completed document. Yeah for me!


Daily Dribble – May 27, 2020

Matt Robbins

I woke to the news that Matt Robbins passed away early this morning at about 3:30. That single piece of news began to shape my entire day. I immediately began sharing private messages with people who would want to know right away and then posted to the brotherhood. After waiting for the family to make some morning calls and have some uninterrupted time together, I posted publicly and the questions and comments began to roll. I spent much of my day trying to assist those who loved Matt so much and anticipate that I will continue to pass along information until all of the memorial services are over. I haven’t done any of this for praise. I simply wanted to share information with my fraternity brothers about another brother. It was an act of service that all Lambdas deserve.

There’s Really Nothing Else to Say

I’ve been distracted all day long. My heart has hurt for so many people today and my mind has been wandering. My heart breaks for Don, Charlotte, Donald, and Stephen. I have bonded online with people who were following Matt’s progress. I mourn for a 6-year-old child I have never met. I am quite confused about my own emotions and exactly how I am feeling today. In spite of it all, I know that Matt is in the arms of a loving God tonight. For those of us who are dealing with his passing and the plethora of emotions that come with it, we are depending on God to be a Comfort to the brokenhearted.

Daily Dribble – May 26, 2020

Tough News

This morning, I received some tough news regarding Matt Robbins. With each hour, it seems as though his time on earth is coming to an end. I cannot imagine the grief that is consuming his parents and siblings. This simply is not the way things are supposed to happen. I have found myself in the unique place of sharing updates with his friends — some that I know, some I don’t — and have heard their expressions of friendship and concern. It is certainly a testament to Matt’s character to hear all of these statements of a life well lived. I only hope that someday people will speak of me with the same fondness when my life is coming to an end.

Picking Up a Book Again

For the past couple of weeks, I have been very negligent in my daily reading. I have books to read that interest me. I know the importance of the routine. I am simply burned out from all things intellectual at the moment. I just don’t want to use my brain. The end of the semester has led to a desire to just let my brain turn to mush for a little while. This morning, I finally picked up a book again and started reading. It was nothing earth- shattering or thought-provoking. It was simply an enjoyable read. I only got in 30 minutes of reading, but it is progress and I will take it. Now I just need to repeat it again tomorrow.


Daily Dribble – May 25, 2020


There’s never a dull moment in the Geriatric Ward. While sitting down for lunch, I heard Mom ask me to bring her a large towel. That’s not a normal request from my mother, so I immediately know that something is wrong. She and Pop went to the kitchen at about the same time, so I think Dad has either fallen or gotten sick. I walk back there, hand her the requested towel, and that’s when she shares the news with me. There is a snake on the back porch. It seems that Mom went out to do her laundry when she saw the reptile on the lid of the washer. Oh hell no! My brother comes over to help Dad get rid of the critter and Mom has called the pest services to come treat the house so we won’t have any more unwelcome visitors. Not exactly the way I hoped my relaxing vacation would begin.

Piano Lesson Challenges

The Geriatrics needed to make a run to the grocery and wanted me to watch for pest control while I was teaching an online piano lesson. No can do, Sherlock! I finally convince them that the lesson is only 30 minutes, so I can watch if they can stay around while I teach the lesson. They agree and things are going ahead as planned. Of course, my student begins his lesson with the statement that he has not practiced much this week. Just as we are beginning to work on a few things, the pest man arrives. Mom meets him on the porch and informs him that I am teaching a lesson, so they will need to move past me as quietly as possible. The entrance is not too big of a deal. Once they have dealt with the issue at the back of the house, they decide to park in the entry to the kitchen — just a few feet from where I’m trying to teach! — and have a conversation. I was proud of myself and managed to keep my cool, but for a few moments I thought I was going to have to ask them to keep the noise down. That would not have been the best way to start a summer of teaching in my parents’ home, but if I can’t hear what is going on with my student, I cannot do my job. Ugh!

Another Holiday Has Passed

Today, the US observed Memorial Day. It was an unusual holiday in the Geriatric Ward. There was no celebration and no gathering. We had sandwiches for lunch and spaghetti for dinner. This is NOT the holiday meal that I have come to expect here. Was it nice to not have to deal with the stress of a family gathering? Absolutely! Still, I found myself longing for a little summer routine. I was looking forward to an overcooked hamburger that tastes slightly like smoke and a blackened hot dog. This is yet another example of what COVID-19 has stolen from us. I understand the necessity to distance ourselves and protect the most vulnerable. I don’t need that lecture. I just have to admit that I am ready — as we all are — for things to return to normal. I’m ready to reclaim my life.

Daily Dribble – May 24, 2020

Happy Sunday and greetings from the Geriatric Ward! It has been a rather uneventful day for the most part.

Unpacking for a Lengthy Stay

Since I have a few months to spend with my parents, this morning was largely devoted to unpacking. Nothing too bad. Just unloading the remaining things from my car. Putting clothes away. Opening a few packages that had arrived for me here in Arkansas. (Who doesn’t love getting to open boxes and seeing what’s inside?)

Struggling to Keep My Eyes Open

I was so tired when I got in last night that I was unable to rest very well when I crawled in bed. That has always been a phenomenon that is amazing to me. How can someone be so tired that their body refuses to sleep well? Nevertheless, that was the case. So today, I tried to keep myself busy and not stop for very long in an effort to make it without a nap until tonight. I’m hoping that the sheer exhaustion will result in a more restful sleep tonight.

Incredibly Poor Lighting

I am always shocked to discover just how poor the lighting is in the Geriatric Ward. Whether I’ve been trying to read music, a book, or do a little crafting, I cannot see anything. I have turned nearly every light in the house on in an attempt to brighten things up and it simply does not work. I even sat with Dad’s floor lamp right over head and it is still dark. I suppose that I’m going to head out later this week and try to find a desk lamp to have next to my make-shift work space. (It’s a sad thing, but I’ve comandeered half of Mom’s dining room table. My computer, books, and sundry materials are all housed there at the moment. The computer is not moving. I’m going to try to find other places for the remaining things so the room doesn’t look quite like a tornado has just blown through.)

Friends Reading Blogs

I have made several blog posts today to make up for those that I missed while traveling this weekend and recovering from my recent sinus infection. As I was sitting at the piano beginning to get a little practicing done this afternoon, I got a text message from Tiff. We talked for a bit and I found myself wondering how she learned about the topic we were discussing as it related to me. It’s not something that I have necessarily shared with many people. Then I realized…..she read my blog post! Light bulb! (I told you I was tired today, so the circuits were not firing quickly at all.) It’s always a neat thing to know that people I care about take the time to read the things that I write. Sadly, I spend more time worrying about what is being read by people whose opinions don’t really matter to me….but I know they will be vocal with their displeasure. I simply have to remind myself that most of the people who read my blogs actually care about me and only want what is best for me in life. That’s a good thing to remember at the beginning of summer break.

Daily Dribble – May 23, 2020

Greetings from eastern Arkansas! I spent the entire day in the car yesterday and was in no condition to make a post when I arrived at the Geriatric Ward. Please forgive my tardiness, but here is a late post covering the last 2 days…

Text That Made Me Cry

No worries….these were good tears. While sitting in my apartment on Friday evening, I received an unexpected text message from a student. He simply wanted to say that he noticed the time that I invested in my students and colleagues….and that he was anxious to be able to see me in person in the weeks ahead. After a very long week with lots of work, it was exactly what I needed to hear.

Cleaning the Refrigerator

There are few jobs that I hate worse, but I knew it was necessary before beginning the drive back to Arkansas. It hurts my heart to pour almost half of a gallon of milk down the drain. Dumping leftovers is not a pleasant sight, sound, or smell for me. I managed to get everything cleaned out without getting too nauseous! One quick trip to the dumpster and I was ready to begin the drive.


I decided to join the fun and work on Duolingo this summer with some of the vocal students. Duolingo is a language app that makes learning fun and seems to be working fairly well. I decided to focus on building my German skills this summer. (Herr Dowty would definitely tell you that I am not “re-building” skills…..I was such a horrible German student in school. The rules and sounds were entirely foreign to me and I couldn’t get around the challenges. Why didn’t I pursue Spanish or something that I might have used more often?) Anyway, I’m hoping that Duolingo will be a stress-free way to learn more about the language. Since it’s on my phone, I’m hoping that it will get more attention when I am trying to avoid things I don’t want to do here in the Geriatric Ward.

Karl Lutz

On Friday morning, I received a message from Andy Power wanting to make sure that I had heard the news about Karl Lutz’s passing. Karl had been battling brain cancer for the last year and left this life late Thursday night surrounded by family. Karl and I were at Pepperdine together and he pledged Lambdas the year before me. Karl was also a music minor, so we were often in the music building together. Karl was known for his wit and his sincerity. He was always an encourager who would speak words of kindness to those who needed to hear it most. His impact is obvious as you look at the number of people who dearly loved and treasured Karl. He will be dearly missed. Brothers eternally….

Daily Dribble – May 21, 2020

Another Meeting

It was another meeting of the minds via Zoom. This time, participants were from Plainview, New York, Dallas, Arlington, Lubbock, and Weatherford. I’m still not entirely sure what the goal of the meeting was other than getting everyone in the same room. But…another meeting completed.

Change of Plans

My afternoon plans got changed when my afternoon piano lesson was cancelled. The stated reason was in order to let me get my energy back after my recent illness. (Truthfully, I wasn’t fully ready to teach.) I think there is also an unspoken reason that the student was going to pitch another fit today. Probably a wise decision to cancel since I was in absolutely NO MOOD to deal with that today.

Not a Fan of the New Blog Editor

When I logged in to write tonight’s post, I was greeted by a message that a new editor was being rolled out for everyone at the beginning of the month. I don’t like changes without advance warning, so I decided to go ahead and try it out tonight while I still have an option not to use the editor. I DON’T LIKE IT AT ALL! It’s too difficult to find functions like underlining. And God help you if you decide you need to remove something that you have underlined. WordPress, this is not a happy user at all. Leave my editor alone!