In Search of……

I’m in the market for a new Bible and have been for several weeks now. With so many copies and editions available, it seems as though it would be an easy purchase. I know what I’m looking for. I know where to look….or at least I thought I did. I’m simply not having any luck.

Aren’t all Bibles the same? Of course there are different translations and paraphrases. Then you must consider the font size, location of footnotes and commentary, and page layout. Hard cover, paperback or leather bound? Words of Christ in red? So many decisions to make.

The Bible I am looking for will have a specific purpose. It will be my primary study Bible. That determines what translation I want: New International. (I’m not implying that NIV is superior to any other translation; it’s simply my preferred translation when I’m studying.) I don’t care about the cover and really don’t want a red-letter edition. What I DO want is a Bible with a simple layout — ideally a single column per page — with wide margins and NO commentary or footnotes next to the text. Why? I want to have plenty of room to write and make my own markings. That’s part of what makes Bible study personal for me.

For now, I’ll continue to use my NIV Worship Bible (published by Maranatha Publishing) that I love because of the corresponding prayers, quotes, and hymns printed in the margins. It has been a wonderful tool in planning worship sets over the years. I’m ready to step back from all the extras for a while and simply encounter the text in all of its beauty. I’m taking my search to the internet now to see what I can find.

How about you? What does your ideal study Bible look like? Which translation do you find yourself coming back to for clarity and insight? I’d love to hear from all of you in the comment section below.