Before-Year’s-End Reading List

Really? This morning’s prompt may be extremely problematic. I love to read, so to ask me to identify the one book I’m hoping to read in the next two months might be a major challenge. Escaping into the pages of a book is one of my primary ways of dealing with stress — and as you saw in my earlier post from this week, there’s a lot of stress in my life at the moment.

So what do I hope to read in the coming months? I have to admit that I am just trying to get through my current read, The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. Please don’t misunderstand. I like the writing. It’s an interesting story. Because it is so far out of my comfort zone, however, I find myself having to read very slowly to make sure I am grasping the plot line. It is also true that I started reading it during an extremely busy time, so I have little time to devote to reading. When I’m done with the book, it will signal to me that things are slowing down a bit and I have survived. I’m ready to finish this book!

The only other book that is currently on my radar is my next read — simply because it’s sitting in the chair next to me. Generosity by Richard Powers sounds like it’s going to be very enjoyable. I know little about the story line, but the basic premise is that scientist find the generosity gene and are exploring ways of exploiting it. Intriguing, huh? Beyond that, I’m hoping to fall into the couch at the Geriatric Ward with a lazy read for a few days and just let my mind and spirit rest and relax in the pages of a good book.

Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines

Today’s prompt is very timely and the source of stress at the moment. Yep, I was asked about my current deadlines. Now that opera scenes is over and things are settling down for a few days, it seems that all of the deadlines are hitting at once.

This coming week will bring my online class to an end. That means that all of my final projects and exams are due. I’ve opted to not complete last week’s assignment since it’s only worth 11 points. (See, every student starts to work out the math when things gets hectic!) Instead, I need to complete the 2 big assignments remaining. I have a paper to write outlining the ethical decision-making approach I would use in a specific scenario. I don’t think it will be too hard to write once I get started. I just have to start. The only thing remaining will be the multiple-choice final. If it is anything like the midterm exam, it won’t be too hard. It’s just a pain scouring the textbook for random facts. It feels more like searching for a needle in a haystack than really demonstrating what I have learned in the course. Both the paper and final exam need to be completed by next Sunday. I’ve got some time, but I was hoping to have it all taken care of before hitting the road on Tuesday. I’m not so sure that will be happening now.

The other deadline is significantly more important and stressful. I am now in my fifth year at WBU and that means I am eligible for promotion. I have known that I would need to prepare materials for submission. The timing just proved to be at a horrible time in the semester. With an upcoming trip to NATS this week, I have to finish my updated CV and cover letter by the end of the day tomorrow in order to meet the deadline.

On this chilly Sunday afternoon, I really just want to cover up my head and crawl back in bed. Instead, I need to find some motivation to get something — anything — accomplished today. I also need to do several loads of laundry in preparation for this week’s trip to Denton. I just need to get everything done and survive the rest of the week. Here we go……

Television Obsessions

Opera scenes at Wayland came to a close this evening. It was a good production and I’m very proud of our students. As much as I love this annual event, I’m always glad to see it close because it is an exhausting week of rehearsals and performances. I’ll get some of my life back for a few days, so I suppose there is no better time to return to my blogging while I can.

Today’s prompt asks about the television programs that I am currently obsessed with. I’ve not had a lot of time to catch new shows this fall and my queue is quickly growing of episodes of returning favorites that I need to watch. The fact that my cable is still on the fritz in my apartment hasn’t helped the situation either. That’s why my two current television obsessions are both on Hulu.

First is revisiting an old friend in Project Runway. Don’t read too much into my selection of programming. I have not suddenly become interested in fashion and begun to dress stylishly. I’m normally happy if my clothes basically match! Project Runway is not about the clothes for me though. It’s all about the drama that happens in the work room as well as on the runway. I enjoy hearing the hysterical critiques from the judges. I suppose it is the creative process that I like to watch. I’m currently watching Season 10 of the show and the craziness is all around!

I have managed to get hooked on one new show — Bluff City Law. I have always enjoyed Jimmy Smits since his work on L.A. Law. I’m a sucker for a good legal drama. The fact that the show is filmed in Memphis is also a good way for me to stay connected with home while I’m in west Texas. The writing is smart, passionate, and charming. The actors are outstanding. I’ve heard rumors that the show is not doing well in the ratings and may not be renewed. I really hope that is not the case because it seems as though there are several potentially powerful stories being set up for future seasons.

When things slow down a bit (maybe at Christmas?), I want to catch up on other favorites like This is Us, A Million Little Things, and New Amsterdam. Until then, I’ll continue to enjoy my current obsessions and dream of days that I can spend watching the boob tube!


This morning’s prompt is quite simple. “What is the last chore you did in your home?” I hate doing chores. I wish there was a magical fairy that would just swoop through my apartment each evening and clean the kitchen, bathroom, and hardwood floors so I never had to think about it. Honestly, that’s why I hire someone to come in weekly and do some cleaning for me. My life is too full to worry with it. When I do have time at home, the last thing I want to do is clean. However, sometimes it is a necessary evil.

The last thing I did in my apartment was unloading the dishwasher. It was long overdue. The dishes had sat clean in the locked dishwasher for several days. I simply didn’t want to take the time to put them in the cabinet where they belong. I know it is incredibly lazy; the task only took a matter of minutes when I actually got around to doing it. I just didn’t want to… I didn’t.

That means that the last household chore that I completed from start to finish was my laundry. Yesterday afternoon was devoted to washing, drying, folding, and hanging clothes. That is the single weekly task that I really don’t mind doing. It’s easy to toss things in and go about my day with other activities. I guess that is the real issue for me. I don’t mind tasks that I can start and then walk away from while the machine continues the work. It’s those tasks that require extended periods of my time that I avoid at all cost. At least with laundry, I can quickly return to reading a book or watching television. Honestly, at times doing the laundry is a welcome diversion. Now I just need to figure out a similar approach to cleaning out the refrigerator and I will be golden!

What Did You Do Yesterday?

Clearly, I took a break (again) from daily blogging. Last weekend, I began to feel very bad and headed to the doctor on Monday morning. The diagnosis was just as I expected — my annual upper respiratory infection has arrived. A round of antibiotics, a shot, and lots of intentional rest has helped, but I am still not 100% recovered. But I’m starting to feel well enough that I actually care about writing again. Let’s see if I can get this daily habit going again.

Yesterday was quite a productive day. It’s was day 2 of WBU’s four-day weekend that is Fall Break. However, yesterday was not entirely devoted to rest and relaxation. It began with a mad dash down to the Talkington School in Lubbock for a couple of piano lessons. As the girls are preparing for UIL auditions, Richard and I are trying to offer coaching sessions to as many of the students as possible. Yesterday, I worked with the Scarlatti Sonata, K. 208 and Chopin’s Waltz in Ab major. Even though it came the morning after a Singing Men performance, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Talkington girls.

Then it was time to head back to Plainview after a quick stop at Chik-fil-A. Richard and I met to read through some two piano repertoire in the event that we are called upon to play a program for donors in the near future. We settled on the Brahms variations, Mozart sonata, and Liszt’s Les Preludes. Unfortunately, this is in addition to the program we are already prepping for January. It just seems as though the work never ends.

Before meeting Bobby for a run of the arias that he will be presenting next week for the Singer of the Year auditions at NATS, I headed to the local library to select a new shelf for My Library Shelf project. If you’ve been with me for very long, you know that I select a single shelf in the library and read my way through it in order to discover some authors I’m not familiar with and read some things I wouldn’t read otherwise. I’ve been working on a shelf since my arrival in Plainview five years ago. I’m nearing the end of that project, but getting into some works that I have avoided because they simply do not interest me. I’ve tried reading them before with no success. I’m not sure that I will actually finish reading that shelf.

My new shelf is quite exciting….even if I did bend my own rules a bit. This new incarnation of the project contains 29 works by 14 different authors. One author is represented by a few more books than I had hoped; 12 of the books are by Terry Pratchett (although 5 of them are The Long Earth series, so that doesn’t disturb me as much). The classics on the shelf are two old friends that I am looking forward to rereading: Chaim Potok’s My Name is Asher Lev and The Gift of Asher Lev. I took photos of the shelf (since its contents can change daily based on library circulation and new acquisitions) and headed to campus to rehearse with Bobby.

After rehearsal, I dashed home and began reading the first book from my new shelf, The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. It is definitely something different from my normal reads, but the writing has immediately pulled me in and I am intrigued. I decided to head out for dinner with my book. When I arrived at Mio’s, I ran into my colleagues and our guest pianist for the week, John Hord. I was invited to join them and enjoy the dinner conversation. The fun and the company was wonderful. Unfortunately, the medication that I am currently on did not mix with my dinner well and I had to make a rather abrupt exit. I hope that I exited with at least some grace — those situations are always so awkward!

Once home, I nursed my upset tummy while curling up with my book and watching a little television before turning in for an early evening. What’s the plan for today? Other than doing a little laundry, I hope to take the day off from anything too productive since I return to the real world tomorrow afternoon with the beginning of opera scenes’ production week.

Where Do You Want to Be a Year from Now?

This question always puzzles me. Am I being asked about a physical location or a major life change? I am never really sure what I’m being asked. So you can imagine my elation when I looked at the blog prompts this morning and saw the question sitting there for me to deal with yet again.

As I went through my day, I continued to think about where I want to be in a year. A couple of answers began to emerge. If we’re talking about a physical location, I hope to be in Malibu. It’s no secret that the years I spent at Pepperdine were among the happiest of my life. Making the choice to attend that school turned out to be one of the most important I would ever make. My time there shaped the man that I have become. It also fostered many of the friendships that are dearest to me. I found myself longing for “the Waves of Malibu” today as I scrolled through pictures of friends who gathered for Waves Weekend — Pepperdine’s version of homecoming. It’s been a few years since I have visited L.A. It’s time for a return trip.

As the day went on, another answer to the query formed in my mind very clearly. Today, the School of Music hosted the Pioneer Marching Festival and I had very simple responsibilities. Simply put, I was running errands as needed so those who were really running the festival could focus on other tasks. As I walked around the field and climbed the stairs up to the press box, I was extremely winded. After a quick trip to Wal-mart, I had to stop talking in order to catch my breath. Throughout the day, I was asked if I was okay as I was carrying cases of bottled water. At first, I began to think that my problems were largely associated with a bit of bronchitis that I haven’t been able to shake. Sure….that could be part of the problem, but I had to admit that there was a bigger issue. I’m in the worst physical condition of my life. I thought living in a third floor apartment would improve my physical stamina. It has not.

This time, it’s not about weight loss or physical appearance. I just want to be able to do the things I love with people I enjoy without worrying about whether or not I can keep up. It’s a matter of quality of life.

I hate gyms. I always have. The most success I had in my pursuit of a healthier life was when I worked with a trainer. I enjoyed his company and I didn’t feel as though I was going to the gym alone. I don’t have a plan yet…..but I have a little motivation to do something about it now. I know myself…..and I know I have to strike while the proverbial iron is hot and before I convince myself that I am too busy to really do anything about it.

Memories of Yester-year

The question posed today is quite simple. Do you remember what you were doing this time last year? When I first read the question this morning, I thought it would be an easy post to write. Every morning, one of the first things I do is reminisce about days gone by.

I don’t remember who introduced me to the app, but several years ago I got hooked on Time Hop. The app connects with your personal feeds from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as well as your personal photo library. Each morning, I open the app shortly after opening my eyes to see what has happened on this day in the past. Needless to say, the day that I’m asked about this specific day one year ago, I had no activity on social media at all. But I can still tell you what was absorbing most of my time in October of last year.

Six little words…..Into the Woods and Three Little Pigs. Yep, October was when things were gearing up for the Fall musical at WBU and we were preparing our first touring children’s opera. It was a busy time. It was a fun time. It was a time we were all happy to see go. It should be no surprise that my world is rather consumed with music for the stage again this year. This time, I’m frantically prepping for opera scenes in a few weeks and another touring children’s opera, Salieri’s one-act Prima la musica poi le parole.

If I don’t just focus on what was happening 365 days ago, there are some general themes that run throughout mid-October for me every year. I’m normally fighting a cold and feeling very tired. Midterms are approaching and my students are not performing as I think they should. I’m desperately looking forward to Fall Break and have begun the countdown to my departure from the Geriatric Ward. Where would I travel? Most years, I was headed back to the beaches of Malibu for sleepless nights with fraternity brothers on the Pepperdine campus. It’s been far too long since I’ve seen Jeff and Paul….even though things have changed for all of us tremendously, I think it’s almost time for a return trip….unless they want to make a trip to Vegas….or Texas….I’m just saying….

Playing on Repeat

For those who are not in the music profession, it may come as a surprise to find that I don’t listen to much music for personal pleasure. I suppose that since I am working with music all day, I find it most relaxing to sit in a time of quiet at the end of a long day. So today’s blog prompt is rather problematic….What song could you listen to over and over and over?

On the other hand, the question is rather appropriate. In my work as a collaborative pianist, I encounter some songs over and over. Some I wish had never been written because I have become so sick of them! (How many times can a guy sit through a bad rendition of Caro Mio Ben before wanting to ram his head into a brick wall?) Others simply bore me to tears. But there are a few art songs that are a pure pleasure to play and that never fail to bring me joy.

One such song that I love to play is Wie Melodien zieht es mir (Op. 105, No. 1) by Johannes Brahms. The melody is charming, but I absolutely adore playing the accompaniment. Regardless of the singer’s ability, I always walk away feeling very fulfilled because Brahms allows me to connect with the music and have a very satisfying accompaniment.

If I’m not playing, there are a few pieces that I adore and can listen to without growing tired of them. Chopin’s Fantasie in F Minor immediately comes to mind as well as Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring. So you don’t think I’m a complete musical snob, I can listen to soundtracks from Wicked, Come From Away, and Ragtime for very long stretches of time. I know that there would ultimately be a point where enough is enough, but I haven’t found it yet.

At the end of another long day, the piece I would really like to listen to right now is the Brahms’ Lullaby!

Currently Worrying About….

I am my mother’s son. I can worry about lots of things. Fortunately, there are varying levels of worrying that I have learned over the years. Most of the time if I am worried about something, it is simply present on my mind and a topic of prayer. Occasionally, my level of worry rises to extreme anxiety and I begin to fret about the future in the situation. That type of worry becomes debilitating and counterproductive. Thankfully, I am not currently at that level of worry about anything in my life. But there are plenty of things that I am worried about today in my usual way.

  • Money! Who isn’t worried about personal finances? I’m a single guy making my way through life on a less-than-optimal income. I make enough to survive and meet all of my obligations, but it is challenging to get ahead on things. Consistently having to focus on when the next check will hit the bank as I balance a busy schedule that seems to never end can be challenging and disheartening at times. With changes to my health insurance coverage this year, a recent trip to the pharmacy hit hard and brought the reality of my financial situation to the front of my mind.
  • My health. Getting older sucks! Thankfully, I am in fairly good health and do not have too many chronic health issues. Still, when there is an unexpected pain or ache, I can get worried that something else is wrong. I realize that I haven’t lived the most healthy lifestyle and that my health issues are of my own making. That acceptance of responsibility still doesn’t mean that the worry is not there…the problem is in the doing something about it.
  • Upcoming performances. It may be a surprise to some that future performances would be a source of worry for a professional musician. By themselves, none of the engagements seem terribly overwhelming. When it begins to feel as though there is so much music piling up, the process of learning, polishing, and performing can be daunting. Add to the amount of repertoire an intense feeling of personal responsibility since I am performing with another musician who I don’t want to let down…..and you have a perfect storm for a major worry session! Last night’s performance with Robert Cardwell began to ease some of the worry about one of the more substantial performances coming up in a few weeks. There is still work to do, but I have a better idea of my level of preparation on that challenging music.
  • My parents. Mom and Pop are getting older. With their aging comes lots of things that need to be taken care of. I know that my siblings are taking care of things, but I still worry that the Geriatrics are really getting all the help they need. I’ve experienced the responsibility of caring for older parents, know that mine won’t ask for help all the time, and just want to make sure everything is getting done to make their final years as comfortable as possible. This is probably my only regret about being in West Texas; if I could change the situation in a way that all involved parties would still be happy and fulfilled, I would do it in a heartbeat.
  • My students. I love these goobers! I hate to see them suffering and dealing with stressful situations. I watch as they navigate life as a young adult, facing some of its challenges for the first time while learning to cope with stress and conflict in a healthy manner. It is not always pretty, but they almost always manage to get through it — with a little help and support. I think I’m getting pretty good at having a watchful eye over “my kids” and mentoring them to head off problems before things get out of hand.

In spite of all of the things that worry me, over the years I have found comfort and rest from the words of Philippians 4:6 -7: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (NASB) I don’t have to shoulder the responsibility of my worries alone. That’s a welcome relief!

Sugar, Sugar, Sugar

At the end of the day, I’m facing a task that should cause me very sweet dreams! For tonight’s blog prompt, I’ve been asked to describe my favorite candy in great detail. This could be a tremendous challenge on so many levels!

Is the question about my current candy obsession? Or do you want to know what I pick up in the local supermarket when my sweet tooth is on high alert? Maybe I should just limit my consideration to my favorite homemade candy? Of is it the candy that always makes me think of home? For a candy-a-holic with an insatiable sweet tooth, this is going to be a very difficult question to answer. Perhaps I just need to answer ALL of the questions so I don’t have to choose!

Currently, I’m addicted to Gobstoppers and Laffy Taffy. Since Halloween candy is all around and I’ve had requests to stock non-chocolate items in my office, I’m munching on these treats throughout the week. Laffy Taffy has always been a favorite — especially the strawberry ones! — but I could do without the awful jokes on the wrapper.

When my sweet tooth attacks at the cash register, there are a few things that I will reach for. If I’m looking for a true candy bar, I’m grabbing a Milky Way. Caramel and nougat….that’s a magical combination. For many years, I wanted nothing but peanut butter cups. I still enjoy them occasionally, but I prefer a Kit-Kat any day.

Homemade candy is an entirely different beast. I never tire of fresh peanut brittle and have made more than my fair share of the sticky treat over the years. When I’m at the Geriatric Ward for Christmas and the weather decides to play nice, I’m all for making a batch of cherry divinity. That stuff is scrumptious!

When I’m having a bad day and just need to recall what it was like to be a child for a few minutes, it will be pretty obvious. I’ll either be munching on a Hershey’s bar (no almonds, please!) or a pack of Plain M-n-Ms. Over the years, the M-n-Ms took on another meaning since they were the inspiration of a major children’s ministry initiative that continues to be one of my favorite experiences working with kids.

See? I love candy….and it’s not just because of the sugary high that comes with it. In many cases, there is a sweet memory attached to the treat. But I’m not gonna lie about it either…..I’m attempting to become a candy connoisseur and wouldn’t have it any other way! Now…..back to my snacking!