Welcome Words

In my line of work, I have learned not to depend too heavily on individual feedback.  Rather, I try to rely on my personal satisfaction with a job well done.  As a Christian, I know that my validation comes from my Heavenly Father and His pleasure in me.  However, it’s nice to receive some positive affirmation from people from time to time as well.  I have received two such affirmations in the past two days that were unexpected, unsolicited, and healing.
The first was a voice mail message from a fellow musician that I have avoided for years.  While I greatly respect his insight, skill, and talent, our personalities do not compliment each other at all.  Because of this personality clash, I have avoided working with him for several years and even turned down a position a few years ago in order to not have to report directly to him.   While I recognized that there was much I could learn from this individual, I was not willing to subject myself to what I perceived as his unchecked anger and relentless criticism.  
You can imagine my surprise when I received a call from this man yesterday morning offering me an opportunity to work with him on an upcoming project.  It was a last minute need and he even stated that he was “scrambling to fill the slot.”  I wondered if that was his way of acknowledging that I could learn it quickly or his way of saying that he had no other option at the moment, but I decided to see the positive in the fact that my name even came to mind.  Due to prior plans and commitments, I am not able to participate this time — to both my relief and my chagrin.  It would have been interesting to see if time has changed things and we might be able to work together, but I really did not want to walk into a potentially stressful situation.
The second affirmation was just as unexpected, but so touching.  My boss needed to pass some work on to me.  When sending the file, he attached a comment thanking me for my work with him over the years.  The cynic in me wondered if I was being let go as I read the email;  once I tossed that thought aside, I was reminded of how powerful a simple comment can be in someone’s day.  I received this comment on my way out the door and found myself suddenly energized and ready to work full steam ahead.  It was just the energy boost I needed.  And the thought that is running through my mind now…….who can I give some affirmation that will give them a little boost to accomplish more than they thought possible?