A New Adventure Ahead

189B7172-56F0-4E20-8F44-BF3D5C7EFC73Today, I start year 5 at Wayland Baptist University. It’s hard to believe that I’ve been living in Texas that long. Even though family is not nearby, I know that coming here was the right decision for me and all part of God’s plan for this season of my life. The job also came with some nice benefits, and I have finally decided to take advantage of one of them.

It is no secret that I have always been a student at heart. I enjoy being in the classroom and learning something new. For several years now, I have toyed with the idea of pursuing another degree. The timing just never seemed right — until now. This week, I began my first class in a long time — Ethics and Legal Issues in Counseling — an entry level course in the Masters in Counseling curriculum.

Why am I pursuing another degree? Throughout my work in the church and academia, I have found myself regularly counseling teens and young adults as they struggle with issues related to family, friends, stress, love, and loss. As strange as it sounds, I really enjoy serving as a listening ear for them and offering advice when they seek it out. The funny thing is that I think I’m good at it…..and I’ve received affirmation from those that I have already shared my plans with. The availability of a faculty scholarship at WBU took away all of my excuses….so I’m taking the plunge.

Will I pursue licensure? I’m not sure yet. It will all depend on what I am able to accomplish while employed — after all, teaching music is my first love and my main priority. My primary goal for the moment is to learn something new that I can apply to the work I am currently doing and enjoy getting back in the classroom again.

Teach Me Something New

I love to learn new things. I always have. I guess that’s part of what drove me to spend so many years in school. I was always fascinated by the things that I didn’t know and enjoyed getting to know more about them.

My fascination with learning isn’t limited to music either. I have always been intrigued by technology and how machines and modern processes can make our lives easier. I love learning how to do things with my hands, too. It’s not uncommon to find me in the kitchen with Mom up to my elbows in dough or trying some new recipe that we have concocted. I’ve tried my hand at cross-stitching, knitting, and crocheting; only one of those explorations was ever successful. Give me a book to read and I’ll gladly explore cultures around the world and consider how things have changed for humanity throughout history. Not surprisingly, I’m also extremely interested in learning how people learn and process new information.

Just because I like to learn new things does not mean that I master everything I attempt. There have been plenty of explosive recipe attempts in the kitchen. My apartment is littered with craft projects that I failed to complete. Studying about my latest interest reveals another topic that needs to be investigated. That’s just par for the course of this lifelong learner.

The one thing that I will never understand is how some people can be so unwilling to attempt to learn new things. I can’t conceive of going through life being so fearful of failure that I refuse to attempt something new. It boggles my mind when someone demands that a process continue as it always has — even after a new method has been introduced to them. They recognize that the new method will provide a better outcome for everyone involved, yet they are unwilling — or unable — to step out of their comfort zone to embrace change. Doing the same thing over and over will eventually lead to boredom and complacency. When you continue to do things the same way and expect a different outcome…..well, according to Einstein (or at least the comment is commonly attributed to him even if there is no evidence that the scientist ever uttered the words) you are insane! Don’t go insane! For Heaven’s sake, take a chance and try to learn something different. Who knows…..you may actually discover that you like it.

As for me, when I stop learning and stop trying new things, please check my pulse. I’m either dead or comatose. Either way, I will have stopped contributing to my little corner of the world….and that’s just not how I want to live my life.

Settling into the Routine Again

 I’m finding it hard to believe that it’s only the second week of the new semester at Wayland. I hit the ground running this term and there’s been no looking back! I think I’m finally getting settled into the routine again.

I think part of the reason things are feeling so frantic at the moment is that my semester seems to be front-loaded. I will play 2 faculty recitals in the next 3 weeks….just before traveling to San Antonio for the TMEA conference. I’ve already submitted a short article for publication and given a final (closing out last term’s grades, at last). To say that my plate is just a little full at the moment is an understatement.

Thankfully, I learned some things last semester. Experience is the best teacher sometimes. So I’m taking steps now to avoid pitfalls later in the term. There’s lots of practicing, planning, and organizing going on in my little corner of the world right now. I’m hoping to get much of the lesson planning settled in the next few days so things don’t go crazy once I start attending student voice lessons next week.

Despite the fact that I’m struggling to hit my stride at the moment, I’m having a blast….and wouldn’t have it any other way! The break was nice for a few weeks, but I’m really ready to get back to the process of making music and learning a little more along the way.

Learning Some New Things

I’ve always enjoyed learning new things. I suppose that’s part of the reason I am pursuing a career in higher education. Opening my mind to new concepts on a regular basis keeps me sharp and entertained. I love to teach, but I also enjoy sitting in classes when they are carefully prepared and introduce me to new material that is interesting to me.

There’s a lot of learning going on right now in my life. Some of it is entirely on my own. This term, I am teaching a section of music appreciation as a hybrid course — half the material is presented in a traditional classroom setting while the remaining information is presented online. It’s been an interesting process to rethink a course that I am so comfortable teaching. I’m developing podcasts and creating worksheets to allow for maximum understanding of material. I’m scouring the web for interesting articles and videos that further explain concepts. I know future sections of the course will be much easier, but right now I’m finding that it takes a lot of time and commitment to create an effective learning environment online.

Because I don’t want to allow my spiritual man to lie dormant, I am working through Beth Moore’s Bible study on the Patriarchs. I love Beth’s teaching (even if it is intended primarily for women) and have always enjoyed the book of Genesis. As I’ve revisited these familiar stories, I have found my eyes opened to new truths that are changing my entire understanding of the Book of Beginnings. Since I’m not involved in a small group at the moment, the self-paced Bible study is providing some accountability for me.

I have always wanted to increase my understanding and awareness of jazz, but never seemed to have the time to really take a class. My hand was forced a little bit since I have a blind student enrolled in my traditional music appreciation course this term. Because of his disability, my unit on musical theater will not work. That means I need to develop a new unit. This realization combined with the discovery of a free online jazz appreciation class from the University of Texas at Austin created the perfect storm for me. I’m really enjoying listening to new sounds while being reminded of the struggles my students face as they begin their journey of understanding the unfamiliar. The jazz class has just started; I’ll finish up the material a few weeks before I present my new unit on the subject. In a busy semester, it’s a deadline I wish I didn’t have looming, but I tend to work well under pressure.

I suppose I should get back to the books now and continue my personal learning again.