Memories of Yester-year

The question posed today is quite simple. Do you remember what you were doing this time last year? When I first read the question this morning, I thought it would be an easy post to write. Every morning, one of the first things I do is reminisce about days gone by.

I don’t remember who introduced me to the app, but several years ago I got hooked on Time Hop. The app connects with your personal feeds from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as well as your personal photo library. Each morning, I open the app shortly after opening my eyes to see what has happened on this day in the past. Needless to say, the day that I’m asked about this specific day one year ago, I had no activity on social media at all. But I can still tell you what was absorbing most of my time in October of last year.

Six little words…..Into the Woods and Three Little Pigs. Yep, October was when things were gearing up for the Fall musical at WBU and we were preparing our first touring children’s opera. It was a busy time. It was a fun time. It was a time we were all happy to see go. It should be no surprise that my world is rather consumed with music for the stage again this year. This time, I’m frantically prepping for opera scenes in a few weeks and another touring children’s opera, Salieri’s one-act Prima la musica poi le parole.

If I don’t just focus on what was happening 365 days ago, there are some general themes that run throughout mid-October for me every year. I’m normally fighting a cold and feeling very tired. Midterms are approaching and my students are not performing as I think they should. I’m desperately looking forward to Fall Break and have begun the countdown to my departure from the Geriatric Ward. Where would I travel? Most years, I was headed back to the beaches of Malibu for sleepless nights with fraternity brothers on the Pepperdine campus. It’s been far too long since I’ve seen Jeff and Paul….even though things have changed for all of us tremendously, I think it’s almost time for a return trip….unless they want to make a trip to Vegas….or Texas….I’m just saying….