The Diet Center

This year, I have set a goal for myself to lose ten pounds. I know that it’s possible and that there are plenty of ways to do it. I decided to get some help and joined The Diet Center to see if I could have a little more success. Here is the brief story of my experience with the program.

When I was first introduced to the Diet Center, I thought this was going to be the easiest program ever! Basically, you are to eat 3 meal replacements daily in the form of either a bar or a shake. At least 64 ounces of water are consumed daily along with fiber tablets and supplements. The day ends with a sensible dinner.

For the first week, life was great! The program was manageable. The water I was consuming was flushing my system and I experienced rapid weight loss. Then life returned to normal and I found that I wasn’t getting the promised results. The meal replacements were bland and unsatisfying. (This is not to say that I was hungry while eating the bars; I just grew to hate them.) I was lucky to lose a pound each week. It was rather disappointing to put myself through the program’s expense and frustration without seeing consistent results.

I also found the weigh ins annoying. I didn’t object to visiting the center twice each week to step on the scale and replenish my supply of bars, supplements, and shakes. I grew to detest the sugary sweet ladies that worked there who could turn into a nagging monster on a dime. I became frustrated as it became clear that false statements were made about the program’s ability to work in light of my personal relationship with food (since I am a picky eater who refuses to eat veggies). It became rather evident to me that I had gotten taken in by a well-played sales pitch. I don’t know if the science the Diet Center proclaims actually supports their claims or not. I really don’t care. I just know that the program was a joke for me personally.

I know that the solution to weight loss for me is eating sensibly and getting back to the gym. The reality is that my current lifestyle does not include the luxury of free time. But now I know that the Diet Center is clearly not the way for me to go.