Daily Dribble – May 24, 2020

Happy Sunday and greetings from the Geriatric Ward! It has been a rather uneventful day for the most part.

Unpacking for a Lengthy Stay

Since I have a few months to spend with my parents, this morning was largely devoted to unpacking. Nothing too bad. Just unloading the remaining things from my car. Putting clothes away. Opening a few packages that had arrived for me here in Arkansas. (Who doesn’t love getting to open boxes and seeing what’s inside?)

Struggling to Keep My Eyes Open

I was so tired when I got in last night that I was unable to rest very well when I crawled in bed. That has always been a phenomenon that is amazing to me. How can someone be so tired that their body refuses to sleep well? Nevertheless, that was the case. So today, I tried to keep myself busy and not stop for very long in an effort to make it without a nap until tonight. I’m hoping that the sheer exhaustion will result in a more restful sleep tonight.

Incredibly Poor Lighting

I am always shocked to discover just how poor the lighting is in the Geriatric Ward. Whether I’ve been trying to read music, a book, or do a little crafting, I cannot see anything. I have turned nearly every light in the house on in an attempt to brighten things up and it simply does not work. I even sat with Dad’s floor lamp right over head and it is still dark. I suppose that I’m going to head out later this week and try to find a desk lamp to have next to my make-shift work space. (It’s a sad thing, but I’ve comandeered half of Mom’s dining room table. My computer, books, and sundry materials are all housed there at the moment. The computer is not moving. I’m going to try to find other places for the remaining things so the room doesn’t look quite like a tornado has just blown through.)

Friends Reading Blogs

I have made several blog posts today to make up for those that I missed while traveling this weekend and recovering from my recent sinus infection. As I was sitting at the piano beginning to get a little practicing done this afternoon, I got a text message from Tiff. We talked for a bit and I found myself wondering how she learned about the topic we were discussing as it related to me. It’s not something that I have necessarily shared with many people. Then I realized…..she read my blog post! Light bulb! (I told you I was tired today, so the circuits were not firing quickly at all.) It’s always a neat thing to know that people I care about take the time to read the things that I write. Sadly, I spend more time worrying about what is being read by people whose opinions don’t really matter to me….but I know they will be vocal with their displeasure. I simply have to remind myself that most of the people who read my blogs actually care about me and only want what is best for me in life. That’s a good thing to remember at the beginning of summer break.

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