Daily Dribble – May 25, 2020


There’s never a dull moment in the Geriatric Ward. While sitting down for lunch, I heard Mom ask me to bring her a large towel. That’s not a normal request from my mother, so I immediately know that something is wrong. She and Pop went to the kitchen at about the same time, so I think Dad has either fallen or gotten sick. I walk back there, hand her the requested towel, and that’s when she shares the news with me. There is a snake on the back porch. It seems that Mom went out to do her laundry when she saw the reptile on the lid of the washer. Oh hell no! My brother comes over to help Dad get rid of the critter and Mom has called the pest services to come treat the house so we won’t have any more unwelcome visitors. Not exactly the way I hoped my relaxing vacation would begin.

Piano Lesson Challenges

The Geriatrics needed to make a run to the grocery and wanted me to watch for pest control while I was teaching an online piano lesson. No can do, Sherlock! I finally convince them that the lesson is only 30 minutes, so I can watch if they can stay around while I teach the lesson. They agree and things are going ahead as planned. Of course, my student begins his lesson with the statement that he has not practiced much this week. Just as we are beginning to work on a few things, the pest man arrives. Mom meets him on the porch and informs him that I am teaching a lesson, so they will need to move past me as quietly as possible. The entrance is not too big of a deal. Once they have dealt with the issue at the back of the house, they decide to park in the entry to the kitchen — just a few feet from where I’m trying to teach! — and have a conversation. I was proud of myself and managed to keep my cool, but for a few moments I thought I was going to have to ask them to keep the noise down. That would not have been the best way to start a summer of teaching in my parents’ home, but if I can’t hear what is going on with my student, I cannot do my job. Ugh!

Another Holiday Has Passed

Today, the US observed Memorial Day. It was an unusual holiday in the Geriatric Ward. There was no celebration and no gathering. We had sandwiches for lunch and spaghetti for dinner. This is NOT the holiday meal that I have come to expect here. Was it nice to not have to deal with the stress of a family gathering? Absolutely! Still, I found myself longing for a little summer routine. I was looking forward to an overcooked hamburger that tastes slightly like smoke and a blackened hot dog. This is yet another example of what COVID-19 has stolen from us. I understand the necessity to distance ourselves and protect the most vulnerable. I don’t need that lecture. I just have to admit that I am ready — as we all are — for things to return to normal. I’m ready to reclaim my life.

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