Daily Dribble – May 27, 2020

Matt Robbins

I woke to the news that Matt Robbins passed away early this morning at about 3:30. That single piece of news began to shape my entire day. I immediately began sharing private messages with people who would want to know right away and then posted to the brotherhood. After waiting for the family to make some morning calls and have some uninterrupted time together, I posted publicly and the questions and comments began to roll. I spent much of my day trying to assist those who loved Matt so much and anticipate that I will continue to pass along information until all of the memorial services are over. I haven’t done any of this for praise. I simply wanted to share information with my fraternity brothers about another brother. It was an act of service that all Lambdas deserve.

There’s Really Nothing Else to Say

I’ve been distracted all day long. My heart has hurt for so many people today and my mind has been wandering. My heart breaks for Don, Charlotte, Donald, and Stephen. I have bonded online with people who were following Matt’s progress. I mourn for a 6-year-old child I have never met. I am quite confused about my own emotions and exactly how I am feeling today. In spite of it all, I know that Matt is in the arms of a loving God tonight. For those of us who are dealing with his passing and the plethora of emotions that come with it, we are depending on God to be a Comfort to the brokenhearted.

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