Excitement in the Air

Steinway_Logo_Spirio_BlackIn the midst of all of the uncertainty regarding resuming classes in the age of COVID-19, there is also a lot of excitement. Yesterday afternoon, the Wayland School of Music received a Spirio r player piano that will assist us in our daily work. It’s an incredible tool and I am looking forward to exploring the possibilities it will bring.

I’m not going to try to fully explain what this instrument does. It’s rather unbelievable until you see it for yourself. Plus, I’m sure that I will be sharing lots about it in the coming months. Truthfully, I am writing this post on Tuesday night and am still a little overwhelmed by the knowledge that the instrument we have dreamed about for over a year is sitting down the hall from my office. It’s also an understatement to say that I am more than a little tired after the first real day back in the office to receive the instrument, refresh my mind on its capabilities, and begin sharing the vision with administration. As tired as I am, I am looking forward to beginning to work with the Spirio r tomorrow and continue dreaming of ways that this technology can transform music education on the plains of Texas.