I just can’t

Some days, I just can’t.

I can’t focus. I can’t be productive. I can’t motivate myself. I can’t stare at the computer a minute longer. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t!

Days like that are frustrating, but there’s always the hope that tomorrow will be a better day. I’ll handle more of the items on my agenda. I’ll final accomplish that looming task. I’ll be ready to get the job done.

It’s a real problem when one of those days turns into three of four consecutive days of “I can’t!” What’s a body to do? I know that there are things that need my attention. I know that avoiding them will not make things better. Every attempt to push through just results in barely making a dent in anything. That’s when I just want to pull the covers over my head and pretend I have no responsibilities and no need to get out of bed.

I’m in the midst of several consecutive days of the “I can’t” syndrome. The situation is made worse because I have no energy and I’m not feeling 100%. I’m hoping that a weekend trip to see my family will help kick me back in gear. But there are things that I absolutely have to get done before I head to the airport on Friday morning. The tasks are daunting and I’m struggling to even begin to think about it. Because I feel overwhelmed at the moment, I can’t fathom accomplishing anything by just taking “one bite of the elephant at a time.”

Yeah….I’m struggling with some major “I can’t” issues at the moment. Hopefully a restful night will put me in a better mood tomorrow and give me a more positive outlook to get back in the driver’s seat and turn the “I can’t” attitude around.

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