The Whipping Winds of West Texas

Happy 2021, everyone! I took a much needed break from everything for the past few weeks — including my blogging. Now that I am back in Texas to begin another semester of teaching, it is time to resume my writing. I have a plan to be more consistent in my posts, but we all know how “the best laid plans” sometimes turn out. Anyway, I thought I would kick things off by sharing a funny moment from my life that happened this week.

On Wednesday afternoon, I made my way to my bank. I don’t visit the branch very often because I handle most of my banking electronically. Recently, the banking app on my phone has been possessed and won’t let me in. (That’s an entirely different story.) I had received a gift for Christmas that I needed to deposit as well as the December pay check from my church gig. The gift check was safely tucked away in my wallet. I removed the church’s large check from the envelope, detached the stub, put on my mask, and prepared to get out of my car and go inside.

Winter in West Texas can change on a dime. It had been chilly most of the day, so I was wearing my winter coat. The wind had blown earlier that morning, but nothing too outrageous. I had even noticed on my drive to the bank that the light breeze that was blowing at the moment was gently swaying the trees and looked rather refreshing.

All of that changed in a moment. As I got out of the car, a HUGE gust of wind came out of nowhere. The car door was forced shut when I noticed something flutter by my face. That’s when I looked at my hand and saw that I was holding a tattered corner of the check — and nothing more! The parking lot was fairly empty, but I didn’t see the check anywhere. I looked under the car, under the wipers, and in the door itself. No check! That’s when I started to look around the edges of the bank, in the shrubs, anywhere that I thought the paper might have gotten caught. I’m sure the employees inside thought I was casing out the joint.

I went inside to deposit the Christmas gift that was in my wallet. (Thankfully, it was the larger of the two checks and made it safely into my account!) The teller had noticed me outside and asked what I was looking for. As I told her the story, she just shook her head and told me that other customers had shared similar accounts in the days prior. So somewhere in Plainview, it appears that there are a few checks floating around that have been ripped from unsuspecting hands.

Looking back on it now — it is humorous. In the moment….not so much! I dreaded telling the church staff that the check would not be clearing their account any time soon. As I shared the story, they laughed with me. Graciously, the check will be re-issued (which I did not expect at all and am most appreciative about).

From now on, I’ll keep my eyes peeled for unexpected gusts of winds and make sure that I have a firm grasp on those things that are of greatest value! Hopefully, I’m done with unexpected gusts overturning my apple cart for a while. (I’m not sure that we’re still talking about a lost check anymore….) It’s time for some calmer weather here on the “Plains of Texas.”


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