Hits and Misses (Jan 5-11)

Here’s a look back at the week that was…..


  • The week began worshipping with my parents at FBC West Memphis. I didn’t expect to get to be in service with them on Sunday morning — more on that below in Misses — but I always enjoy getting to hear Pastor Josh Hall speak. He began a new series entitled “Epic” that is going to take the church through the books of Ephesians and Nehemiah. Using Ephesians 3:20-21 as an introduction to series, Josh explained these two verses by summarizing them in this sentence: “God is able to do an epic work in and through you for His glory.” I am so thankful that my parents found a good church home to settle in that was closer to the Geriatric Ward where they receive solid Biblical teaching on a weekly basis.
  • On Monday morning, it was time to hit the road and drive back to Plainview. This time, I needed to make the trip in one day. I listened to some audio books while alone. I had a little company for the middle few hours of the drive. Conversation is never a bad thing….and it certainly made the drive much easier to do in 12 hours.
  • As promised, my first stop once back in Plainview was a visit to the chiropractor. Immediately got some relief from my back pain. Now back to a routine of maintenance.
  • Sighs of relief at the end of a long, stressful journey are always a welcome sound.
  • As the week came to a close, I enjoyed getting to spend time with friends. There was laughter around the tables, witty comments in the halls, getting last-minute things done while sitting in the floor, and lots of joy. Even though I’m really tired at the moment, I’m looking forward to a good semester ahead.
  • Opera camp was a thing this year for the first time since I’ve been at WBU. In preparation for our upcoming production of Mignon, everyone returned a few days early and plowed through the 3 acts of music. Some things are in fairly good shape. We also identified some things that still need more preparation — and in some cases, appear to need to be given a first look. I definitely learned that I need to build my stamina for this production. After 3 days of rehearsals, I was completely exhausted!


  • I delayed my return to Plainview because I had been scheduled to play for the Memphis auditions of the American Musical and Dramatic Academy on Sunday morning. I’ve worked with the people from AMDA a couple of times and have very good experiences. As Saturday night rolled around, I realized that I had not received any confirmation from AMDA since November, so I started doing a little digging. There was no mention of the auditions on their website. However, I knew I needed to be a professional and show up. So on Sunday morning, I crawled out of bed, got dressed, and drove to the Memphis hotel. The front desk knew nothing about auditions and the ballrooms were empty. On Monday morning, while driving home, I finally got the email from AMDA that the auditions had been postponed — and wanted to know if I would be available. I still haven’t replied to that email yet. I guess I’m being a little petty to let them have to deal with an inconvenience since they didn’t think enough of me to behave in a professional manner…..so I’m in no rush to do the same. Yeah….just a little bitter…..
  • It’s becoming a recurring statement in my “Hits & Misses,” but it still isn’t easy to say goodbye to the Geriatric Ward. I truly wish Mom and Pop lived a little closer to me.
  • With the looming beginning of another semester, I realized that I had so much to do this week and so little time to get it done. Somehow, I managed to get most things done that needed to happen before beginning classes on Monday. Now, I’m just trying to get a little ahead of the game so I don’t feel as though I’m desperately trying to keep my head above water all semester long.
  • Cold weather moved into the Texas Panhandle at the end of the week. I am not a happy camper!

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