Hits and Misses (June 2-8)

img_0029-4Here’s a look back at the week that was……


  • As the week began, I found myself traveling to Dallas. It’s surprising to say, but even though I have traveled through the city most of my life, I really haven’t spent much time visiting Dallas. I took advantage of a little down-time and enjoyed the sights, sounds, and food in this amazing city. I came away from this short visit with the knowledge that I definitely want to return and continue exploring.
  • This week has also been all about connecting with people. I have had the opportunity to make new acquaintances, spend time with friends while visiting Dallas, and catch up with others by phone this week. As much as I enjoy being a loner at times, I do enjoy the company of others. I just know that there will be a limit to the time together….and when I begin to feel overwhelmed, I know that it is perfectly okay to pull away for some quiet time alone.
  • When I returned to the Geriatric Ward this week, I was able to make some time for entertainment. It has been too long since I have been able to curl up in a quiet corner and enjoy a good book. This week, I returned to my biography of Chopin and started making my way through Divergent. I was also able to spend some time catching up on television and Netflix. Most of my time in front of the tube has been devoted to Madame Secretary. On Saturday, I finally took the time to enjoy an afternoon at the movie theater and took in Dark Phoenix. It wasn’t my favorite film of all time, but it was a great way to pass some time on a weekend afternoon. I’m planning to do some more of that in the coming week.


  • Turbulent plane flights seem to be the norm for me these days. The flight into Dallas was bumpy, but nothing too bad. The return to Little Rock on Thursday, however, was ROUGH! I was beginning to question my choice to sit in the rear of the aircraft before we finally made it safely to the terminal.
  • Pop’s recovery after last weekend’s fall has been anything but smooth. Obviously, his leg is quite sore and he has limited mobility. To add to the fun, the ER doctors did not administer an antibiotic to stave off infection. A visit to his primary care physician — which he didn’t want to keep — revealed the presence of a skin infection. The doctor told Dad that if he had failed to deal with the infection, he probably would have landed in the hospital very soon. However, the infection did not respond to medication as quickly as the doctor had hoped, so the dosage was increased by week’s end. Needless to say, that just added to Pop’s general discomfort. As the week is coming to an end, it appears that his leg is finally beginning to heal and we are hoping that the worst of this episode is behind us. Just another typical event in the Geriatric Ward.

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