Spring is in the Air

Even though the weather doesn’t necessarily suggest it’s Spring right now, I can see the rebirth of nature all around. When I walked out of the house this morning, I was greeted by four birds perched on the wooden handrail near the porch. They quickly fluttered away, but at least I was reminded of the end of the long Winter and the promise of life returning to the earth. When I got to my car, the orange glow of pollen covering my dirty red car explained why I had sneezed so much this morning. I wasn’t thrilled about that part, but the presence of pollen means that flowers and trees will be bursting into bloom soon. Of all seasons, Spring is probably my favorite.

I love watching everything that had been dormant and barren all Winter long returning to its glory and natural beauty. Many of the plants and animals have experienced a sort of hibernation during the cold months. They were patiently waiting — feverishly anticipating — the return of the sun and the warmth that it brings. Even before Spring fully explodes, we begin to quickly see signs that life is returning and beauty will replace the barrenness.

There are also seasons of the soul. Our lives move through cycles that include periods of beauty as well as difficult and challenging circumstances. Sometimes the Winter of the soul seems so long and we begin to wonder if Spring will ever appear. When will we begin to hear the sweet song of the Dove again? How much longer before we can bask in the glow of fair weather? For the past several months I’ve been living in a personal Winter. It’s not been fun, but I know that Spring is in the air. What does Spring bring with it? Freshness, energy, life, and hope! I see the signs…..Spring is just around the corner!

The days of my soul’s Winter aren’t over yet, but I am confident that the weather is changing and Spring will return soon. Today I finally had the opportunity to sit and look around for signs of emotional rebirth. I’m looking forward to Spring arriving — in both its incarnations — and am anxious to see the beauty that will break through all the dry dusty ground.

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