A Moment with Nature

Here in eastern Arkansas, I live in an agricultural area of the country. My daily drive to work begins on a stretch of road that is honestly nothing more than a connector running through the middle of this fertile soil. Right now there is very little activity in the fields; everything is barren and brown. I am not a country boy by any stretch of the imagination, but I do prefer the sights of the spring and summer over the ugliness of the winter months here.

That’s why a field of white caught my eye as I drove home from teaching a morning class earlier this week. I found myself looking over this enormous section of white, trying to figure out what in the world was out there. It looked a bit like cotton, but even I know that’s not possible at the moment.  As I got closer, I slowed the car to have a closer look.

Once I rolled down the window of the car, I knew exactly what I was looking at. The noise gave it away. This field was filled with honking geese! They truly were everywhere! This particular field is probably 1.5 to 2 acres in size (based on my non-agricultural knowledge) and was FILLED with our fine-feathered friends! 
I found myself doing something unusual for me. I sat on the side of the road for several minutes just to listen and watch. I was intrigued by the animals that I don’t see on a regular basis. I was thrilled by their beauty and was filled with hope that life and Spring will return to the land before too long. I noticed my attitude improved as I sat and listened to their voices filling the air with humor and joy. 

I wish I had a camera in the car with me; instead, I had to rely on my phone to capture the image. I’m just thankful that on a cold winter morning, I had the opportunity to stop and observe the sights and sounds of nature while remembering that the darkness of winter would soon come to end.

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