I Resolve….

Now that we are a week into 2013, I’m finally ready to commit to my resolutions for the year. I guess I had to take things slowly and thoughtfully since making a public announcement makes me more accountable.  Some of these will be observable by everyone who knows me; the accomplishment of others will be things that only God and I will know.  Here’s goes nothing……

  1. Increase my personal reading.  Some of you are probably aware that I maintain another blog, Reading for Me, that details my path towards recapturing reading for personal fulfillment and pleasure.  The ultimate goal is to read 52 books in a single calendar year.  2012 saw the greatest number of books in a single year with 32.  My goal is to read at least 33 books in 2013…..but hopefully more!  The most difficult time of year to maintain my reading is when school is in session. Although I love the sensation of holding a book in hand, I am attempting to use my iPad as my primary reading device.  I hope this will enable me to continue reading even when I only have a few moments to spare throughout the day.
  2. Lose 20 pounds.  This goal has caused me the most difficulty.  I want to set a goal that is achievable, but not too easy either.  In the summer of 2012, I began working with a personal trainer. With all of the ups and downs that the year brought, I have netted a total weight loss of 8 pounds.  Diet is a struggle when I’m on the road…..and keeping a consistent workout regiment is tough when I’m not at home.  To help with this process, I moved my gym membership today to Anytime Fitness;  Anytime also has a facility in Jackson, Tennessee.  Now I just have to get my mind in gear to workout when I’m working away from home.  You can follow my progress in my weight loss journey on my most sporadically published blog Just Have to Start Somewhere.
  3. Write on a more regular basis.  Seeing that I have four blogs, it should be clear to most people that I enjoy writing. I don’t necessarily think I have anything of tremendous value to share….it’s just therapeutic to put my thoughts down and share with anyone that actually wants to read. Like my personal reading, I’ve struggled with maintaining a regular schedule when school is in session. I think I was trying to publish too regularly.  So I’ve changed my approach and am hoping for good things.  I intend to publish posts on Reading for Me and Just Have to Start Somewhere when needed….no regular schedule there.  This blog is the oldest of them all and the one that I think I owe the most writing to…..so I hope to write here 2 or 3 times each week.  I’m shooting for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  My professional blog is Collaborations and was dormant for much of 2012.  My goal is to have a new post on Thursday of each week.  You can be part of my success in this endeavor; your comments on the blog site reminds me that other people are reading them which motivates me to carry on.
  4. Schedule times of rest.  Most workers look forward to the weekend.  It’s a couple of days to rest and revive their energy for the challenges that lie in the week ahead.  Since I’m piecing together several part-time jobs to make a living, my schedule rarely works out where I have entire days without any work.  I’m sensing the beginnings of burn-out and fatigue in my personal life and feel directed by God to correct the constant work-mode that I have maintained in the past year. Since taking a “Sabbath” day is not possible at this time, my goal is to allow myself to divide the “Sabbath” up throughout the week, finding chunks of time during the week that I can block out for rest and relaxation.  Since school hasn’t started, finding these days of rest has been easy so far.  (I’m actually enjoying one today!)  Once the semester kicks off next year, I’ll be looking for 8 hours (at least) each week to devote to me.  Given my mindset and work ethic, I know this will be a challenge for me.  I am committed to making it a priority, however.
  5. Spiritual growth.  This will be the resolution that I will keep most private for obvious reasons. I am not satisfied with my spiritual condition and I don’t think that any growing Christian should ever be satisfied! As such, there are several things that God has placed on my heart to develop me into the man He has designed me to be. I’ll be pursuing these quietly behind the scenes and I pray that they will display themselves in my life so others can see the light and love of my Savior.  I would appreciate your prayers throughout the year as I pursue a more intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father in the coming year.
That is what’s motivating me as I step into the early days of 2013.  Now it’s time to get going and see how I can make these resolutions reality!

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